Yes, you heard it right - Moonkarts mobile version is coming and we're currently on Alpha test version. I bet this will be one of the most exciting news this game has to offer. Imagine the game can be directly played with your mobile phone even you're not at home!

I can only see one thing, more and more users will come. Joining Moonkarts will become handy and I can't wait to see skilled matchmaking this time. Looking at the technology, infrastructure, tokenomics, and game design, I'm inclined to believe this will be one of the hottest/biggest games on Hive blockchain.
A lot has been waiting for this update, especially the old users. Let's hope to see smooth transition from PC to mobile gaming. For sure, this will create an increase demand for Colony tokens because aside from that, Stakehouseden, Hyperrail Blaster, and Prime Pick (Prediction market) will come the soonest.
I think the next thing the team should solve should be the accouns created on Hive. I think there should be an option that users don't need to create an account on Hive, but give some incentive or penalty if a user didn't link his Hive account. The team already has the technology built for this, that's why I am truly optimistic for this update.
The challenge will be to navigate things via phone and the availability for both Android and iOS. Once the team solves this, they always welcome income-generating ideas like ads / burn Colony tokens to stop receiving ads.
Who else is excited for this update? Let us know!