Manager's Corner: Goals Passive Mode, Lifesaver or Useless Gimmick?

in #arcadecolony16 days ago

We learned recently in Office Hours that GLG would be getting a new feature soon: passive mode. This was requested by some players for a while, as well as the possibility of asynchronous tournaments. Many automate their ranked play already. I am not one of those, but will this update change my mind and make me switch to autoplay? Let us examine the feature first, as it was explained by "Z", the main developer behind the game.
So, it is a simple checkbox to turn on autoplay. That is a very minimalistic feature that takes advantage of the way players already engage in "passive play", by letting the game play out on the screen without player input, each of the player's actions being decided by pure randomness. A pass, a dribble or a shot, all are equal in the eyes of RNG. This way of playing the game is obviously less efficient than selecting actions manually, which is why I have not been using it up until now. A true Passive play upgrade would have to introduce an algorithm for player's actions selected passively to be more coherent, and not just random. This update is a low hanging fruit, and a far cry from tournament upgrades we are all waiting for, but it is a step forward.
This update is admittedly about letting we the players get our games in more quickly and earn rewards easily. I can get behind that sentiment, and undoubtedly those that already play "passively" will welcome this new upgrade with open arms. What about me? I have been playing actively for all this time, but this might just be the thing that convinces me to "retire" from active play and join the passive players. After all, going from manually playing 20 games a day to not having to play at all, and make the same (or slightly less) GLX for my trouble? Yeah, sign me up. Recent upgrades to my team, thanks to the giveaway and tournaments, has made it more easy to beat the computer anyway, even with random actions. So bring it on, I will definitely use that feature.
Ranked play will become a passive income source now, alongside the Training Grounds. Every GLG NFT asset can now be used passively to earn GLX, which is very cool. Between my own Training Grounds and two global teams, I am earning roughly 1200 GLX per day. Now I will be able to enjoy all that income passively while I play in tournaments for juiced-up rewards. Sounds like a good time to be in GLG!

Once again thanks for reading and follow me for more!