Manager's Corner: How to Make Money in Moonkarts

in #arcadecolonylast month


Welcome back to Manager's Corner! Today we take a break from Goals in order to look at another game on Hive: Moonkarts! We are diving deep into everyone's favourite web 3 kart game and I will explain to you how exactly someone can make money in this game. TLDR: You need to INVEST! This is NOT a free to play game, in fact it is extremely pay to win, but I will explain it the best I can.

Step 1: Stake Colony!
You will want a good amount of Colony to get a strong modifier when you go racing. I recommend 200k as a sweet spot if you want to race at maximum ratings and get optimal rewards. Yes, its a good chunk of money, and we are only getting started.

Step 2: Stake cards for fuel
You will want to go on the market and buy a good amount of random cards, combine them, and stake them to generate fuel. Different rarities of cards give you different fuel production, but you are always better off combining cheap cards to a high level. Min max your fuel production and consider those cards permanently staked; you can always sell the fuel if things don't work out later.

Step 3: Buy your cars
You will want two different racing setups: one you can race on zero fuel just to rise in rankings, and one to use fuel efficiently and get rewards with once you are high enough in ranking. Once again this means going on the market and spending money. And beware, the top players in the game already have very expensive and fast karts that you may or may not be able to compete with. As I said before, the game is very pay-to-win.

Step 4: Start the season and rise in rankings
You will want to get as many wins and 2nd positions as you can early on in the season, while racing with no fuel, so that you may climb up to the 4000-5000 leaderboard rating range, where the rewards become very good. During this period, just race the fastest kart you got while not collecting your fuel. You will not make Colony during these races, but its a necessary step. It is recommended to do this at the very beginning of a season to maximize the time spent grinding rewards before the season ends.

Step 5: Race for fuel and make that money!
Once you get to this point, you have made it in Moonkarts! Enjoy your time at the top and maximize rewards, and fight for the leaderboard. You will want to spam races with karts that use relatively low fuel and can make you finish 2nd, the lowest position that gives out colony rewards. Also pick up colony on the track to maximize your earnings. Find the correct racing partner and you can race upwards of 50 times per day, being rewarded for each race.

As the game progresses and is updated, I cannot guarantee that this guide will hold up and remain true for the long term, but according to my experience playing the game, this is how you actually make money playing Moonkarts! NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE!

Drive responsibly and have fun!!