Arcblock review

in #arcblock7 years ago

According to the Arcblock interview with Mr Mao, he mentioned publishing all of their works in github on open source but the whole Arcblock will not be opensource. it seems he has a good spirit of entrepreneur. He is a researcher himself with couple years of experience in MS research lab.

. There seems to have alot of preparations from their teams and still we need to see what other experts are talkin about it. Again, this idea is very new and there seems to create the reference implementation has not been published in github and verified the securities by the hacker communities. another review talks about partnership Mao mentioned 8% discount on token sales I dont see much of the attraction to adopt this in the early stage. This kind of project again will take at least 2–3 years (the fastest) to land their foot on production market. It is again selling their company development news from inside for the outsiders to play on the pumps and dumps. For their PR campaign, it seems to have hates from some of the telegram people ~~~ embed:arcblock/comments/7px6qy/why_arcblock_is_potentially_a_scam_they_kicked_me/ some of the flags doc by the researchers it may not be the main factor but its worth for looking ahead. reddit metadata:fGFyY2Jsb2NrfGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LnJlZGRpdC5jb20vci9hcmNibG9jay9jb21tZW50cy83cHg2cXkvd2h5X2FyY2Jsb2NrX2lzX3BvdGVudGlhbGx5X2Ffc2NhbV90aGV5X2tpY2tlZF9tZS8gaHR0cHM6Ly9iaXRjb2ludGFsay5vcmcvaW5kZXgucGhwP3RvcGljPTI3NjcyMjYuMCBzb21lIG9mIHRoZSBmbGFncyBkb2MgYnkgdGhlIHJlc2VhcmNoZXJzIGh0dHBzOi8vZG9jcy5nb29nbGUuY29tL2RvY3VtZW50L2QvMUlKd0JCSTNHaGJXWHhSTHJfV3J1dlhieDNSdS14WmVJSzhqTkxDbkVvNW8vZWRpdCBpdCBtYXkgbm90IGJlIHRoZSBtYWluIGZhY3RvciBidXQgaXRzIHdvcnRoIGZvciBsb29raW5nIGFoZWFkLnw= ~~~