Archaeology: Study of human evolution

in #archaeology7 years ago

@adejoke16 is an Archaeology Student and has been finding the study of it interesting lately and to my greatest surprise, I realize very few people know about Archaeology. So my articles will be centered about Archaeology and Anthropology to also aid my focus in School, so What is Archaeology?


This is the scientific study of the human past relating it to the present, we can also say its the study of human evolution and recovery of artifacts, material culture etc.

Source: Google

We archaeologist we study the history and pre- history of man from the olduvai gorge earliest existence of man while Anthropology is.


This is simply the study of human behavior and how they relate in their physical environment from past to the present.

Material Culture

Source: Google

Material Culture, this is the physical aspect of culture that is created by man to face challenges that are brought about by our environment which includes our mode of dressing, technology, food, buildings.

We can say material culture is generally formed from what the environment can provide, which is also determined by our level of exposure available to that culture.

It tells the relationship between people and their things, for instance African art, the preservation, the making, interpretation of objects.

Material culture is centered on evidence that can be attribute on culture from the past to the present.


It will interest you to know that Africa alone was the only place occupied in the early stone age there was no distinct society at that time.
Society is the aggregation of people that share common things like culture, values, norms, the people of the society forms the culture culture is man made

Stone tools (Acheulian tool known as hand axe) was the first evidence of human material culture. Hand axe was what human first used in digging of tubers and roots because were needed for consumption.
In the middle stone age is was said that lesser heavy materials were carried, then new technology started revolving

Source: Google
Once a stone is worked on it becomes a core tool, flake(Stone made from flakes ) tool was mainly used in the middle stone age, blades, scrappers were made from flakes, with these tools human was able to conquer new environment, from this point they started moving out of Africa, the curious ones left Africa and most of them were captured as slaves, stronger ones were selected and the weakers ones was left behind.

The new environment created new challenges, like fire was created then about 500,000 years ago, the invented how to bury their dead instead of leaving it to decay, the later part of the middle stone age, human started hunting animals for food., this lasted for 80 to 70, 000 years.

In the late stone age man and woman started living together in the caves, and vessels were created about this time to move water and grains.
Hominds(Early man) were formally living by the river side and it became a sedentary lifestyle (No physical activity)

Poison was also discover at this time to hunt animals, human begin hunting in groups and there was division on labour.
Agriculture was also discovered about this time. Hominds later discovered pot which they used in storing water and their grains. Pottery became a big revolution in the late stone age. Human started conquering the world.

Iron was later discovered, because of their sedentary lifestyle when iron was discovered they started making ornament, agriculture became easier, although the discovery of iron brought about war, human started competing for more resources and this lead to survival of the fittest, they were able to construct more, lesser time was spent during farming. iron was later combined to other materials to form coper

Source : Google
Religion also started during this period.

In my next blog, I will be writing about Discovery and Invention.
Thank you for reading.


This is great! I also wrote a post a few months ago on climate in Nigeria, on deciduous and evergreen trees and it's inherent cause in Nigerian Climate. I look forward to reading more about archaeology from you.

Awwn see who we have here, I appreciate you.
Will keep you guys update, thank you

Hello! I find your post valuable for the wafrica community! Thanks for the great post! @wafrica is now following you! ALWAYs follow @wafrica and use the wafrica tag!

I learned from your post. Very interesting and I look forward to more on Archeology from your page. In there you mentioned that

Poison was also discover at this time to hunt animals

I have a feeling about how would they use this, if an animal is killed using poison would it not render the animal not edible. Except it's to kill the wild animals which probably cause attacks to their villages.
Interesting content!

Thank you for your comment, it means a lot to me.
The kind of poison used were the ones gotten from plants toxin, they put it on their tools to make it more lethal, remembering that man was using stone as tool, this kills the preys slowly or fast depending on how the chemical toxins is released, however all these were the early discovery of man, and we were still in the stone age.

That's a new development to them at that time. Interesting!! 😁 Man has truly developed over the millennium and centuries!!

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This is interesting
In love with the course

I'm just finding it so interesting too covering my face

Amazing educational piece, it worth the read😁😁

Thanks dear

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