[Archangel Michael] "five Kingdom of Earth Ascension / Dimensions" part 1

in #archangel7 years ago

Dear masters, everything in the universe is given its own species and the level of conscious awareness. Remember, all of creation - all levels of universal universe - are cosmic energy is transferred from the core out of the heart of the supreme Creator. This energy is the vibration frequency changes in the composition of the infinite infiltrated each other, and because the differences in the frequency of light patterns separated from each other. Creator of light / energy contain all the elements to create these myriad seed pattern of light, constitute a significant level of complexity of many substances. Multi-level description of the creation of a term, such as creating a "dimension and the fractal dimension" of these words, is to give this extremely complicated "nature of reality" Your life brings clarity and understanding.

The first dimension - the mineral kingdom : 1D and 2D lower hierarchy: mineral and plant kingdoms is driven by instinct, which is injected into "God Light / vitality" element and via the wizard Kingdom. 1D environment is an element of the world, from sub-atomic elements to the soil, rock and water constitute the Earth's physical, material world are building the foundation community. This is the manifestation of all plant life basis, is also home to the lowest-level elements of the Kingdom, their task is to pass elements or nutrients from the sun to sustain life for all mineral and plant kingdom. King of the element under the guidance of the country, the plant kingdom also began to experience an instinctive desire, is exposed to sunlight, it is bathed in the warmth emitted.

The second dimension - flora and fauna - plant and animal kingdoms : 2D intermediate level is the beginning of the animal kingdom and the secondary body consciousness. The most original is from the animal kingdom to sustain plant life to survive and receive nutrients - I never thought they would become carnivorous. With the evolution of the animal kingdom, and begin to experience the original fear, anger, love instinct, or accompanied by live in harmony under intense desire companionship, some basic feelings and emotions start in 2D appeared environments. Animal Kingdom is strongly affected by natural instinct. Every transfer between the world and the animals of the divine spark back and forth in a soul group.

The third dimension : Since the settlement of thousands of years of human consciousness, the Earth and its physical environment is already 3D / 4D constituents. 3D includes a length, width and depth of the space. This dimension is sentient organisms more evolved level Animal Kingdom (group consciousness), and has a human individual soul consciousness.

Third Kingdom / third dimension: * The first three sub-levels * Animal / Nature Kingdom : Animal Kingdom has a higher awareness of the species - the instinct / sub consciousness.

The first three levels of the third dimension : the gradual evolution to higher animal species, has developed a limited perception of intelligence, intelligence belong to this range: for example, primates (apes and monkeys), elephants, horses, dogs and Cat. In "Ascension process" of some future stage, they will be "given the soul", is assigned an individualized "I" consciousness.

There are some human beings - some very young soul - they are obtained in a recent "evolution round" in their individualized "I" consciousness. Once they have been reincarnated from experience on this planet or solar system, they are still animals / humans "Basic Instinct" nature of the operation, not accompanied by varying degrees of intelligence. The soul is the real "people on earth."

There will not be just any young or mature soul reincarnated into the earth. It can only be the reincarnation of a lot of experience in this universe "mature and old soul," there may come from another universe, now reincarnated on Earth.