Archeology: Pyramids Of Giza Was Really Build By Who


One of the best enigmas of archaeology is the emerald tablets which may be accepted as a hidden side of Egyptian mythology, which is been qualify by events were myth appear to meet history. This tablets is been reckon by scholars as a legend relating to the ancient Egypt gods, which is uncovering secrets about the ancient societies which outlived the Great Flood. The tablets is said to be cryptic hermetic inscription because it entails alchemy secrets and the hermetic tradition foundation.
Origins of emerald tablets: Mythical
Thoth, the gods scribe was been said to pile up the tablets according to myth by sharing out his knowledge into forty two emerald plates and systematize the principles of science which is guiding the universe. It was stated that after the falling of the gods, the hermetic tablet was hidden so it wont be discovered by any human. Thoth was the only on to retrieve this secret book.

Based on other translations, this tablets was hidden in the hall of records before it was hidden later in the library of Alexandria were it was said to be forever lost, after a horrible fire incident which ruin the building along with its mythical books.

Jewish mystics which made known of an interesting legend relate this tablets to wife of Abraham which is sarah. Based on the myth, it was told that she discovered the tomb of the Egyptian gods with his very valuable manuscripts during their flee to Egypt after a starvation tormenting them in Canaan. If this is correct historically, we may say the tablets origin is been relate to the ancient time, existing even before the Great Flood which occur in the bible, which implies that Egyptian gods origin and the period where gods were ruling in ancient Egypt may have a deceitful relationship which is been assured by other civilization legends.

It is fact or a fiction?


Can it be consider as true that the hermetic document is a true fact historically and not a fable? The scientific codes and the contents which is been engraved into the tablets should be make of what? Is there likely a link between Thoth (the gods) and pyramids civilization?
Based on the secret document, can it be specify that the builder of Giza is Thoth?

“Built I the Great Pyramid, patterned after the pyramid of earth force, burning eternally so that it, too, might remain through the ages. In it, my knowledge of ‘Magic-Science' so that it might be here when again I return from Amenti. Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti, my soul roaming free will incarnate, dwell among men in this form or another.” – Emerald Tablet 1

Thoth History: emerald tablet
If the emerald tablet is true, what will the great pyramid and the connection with Thoth be?

built I the great pyramid

According to the statement, it is a suitable feeling and execution which is been carried out by the real owner. Having locating and confirming this hypothesis, no other inscription was found which referred to the builder.

Authored by @valchiz

Image: thoth emerald tablet

For more readings




Egypt has always has this myths and halftruths about them.

According to speculators, Pyramid was buit by Enoch with the help of fallen angels.

The emerald tablets is something I'm still unable to demystify.
This post is indeed helpful but should be made longer and more elaborate.

Keep promoting the African culture!

Very nice one, please keep promoting the african culture.. I have resteemed

Very useful information