What a wonderful app! I lived at the beach in San Diego for years and saw so many great sunsets. I did not realize how much to ocean was helping until I left. The city is not helpful in reflection.
All this effort your are making sure pays off. I see why your shots are so amazing now. In the one you like, I am interested in all the building shapes. Each is very unique.
I hope things are going better now since all your recent catastrophe. Thanks for taking the time to show us such wonderful sights, @mikeycolon. I love any view of nyc and look forward to many more great ones like this from you.
Fantastic signage too!
Anytime I want to shoot a sunset or sunrise photo - I always look for water. Even if it's at a random area with no landmarks or epic looking scenery - water will always make a huge difference in the photo.
As for effort - it's always hard getting out to shoot. Either it's too early, too hot, too cold - etc. It's a battle of not being lazy.
But seemingly every time I do make the effort - something good always happens. I can't tell you how many times I'll go out to shoot photos and it leads to either sales or other opportunities.
It's supposed to snow in NYC this week and for years I've always wanted to shoot Central Park in the morning. If all goes according to plan and if the meteorologists are accurate - I'm going to get up at 3am and hit the road to make it happen.
As for my favorite shot - part of the reason I really dig it is the fact that most of those buildings are new and it was awesome capturing in awesome looking light.
Thanks for the good vibes and for taking the time out to leave a lovely comment! Have a good rest of your weekend. HUGS!
Central Park! Sniffle. I love that place so much. I love all of Manhattan, Actually. I have visited maybe 10 times for work and vacation but never lived there. I never blinked or slept each time.
@tattoodjay is also there. He is also a photographer - different than you but just as talented. I hope you two might meet up. I think you might be two peas in a pod.
I am in Malaysia now, so I have to gaze from afar. I'm so glad to are working it now and in that spot after Boston. (Not that I have anything against Boston!)
I will try for some water, but we lack it Kuala Lumpur, unless we are having a torrential downpour.
Thanks for the tips and views, and I can't wait to see more.
Next time if you happen to be in town lemme know!
The funny thing is I've chatted with Tattoo Djay last year about linking up but the stars never aligned right on my end.
Plus everything I've seen and heard about Malaysia is amazing! Yesterday I after I visited my mom in Queens, NYC I went to my favorite Malaysian restaurant and took home 4 orders of curry beef laska. My car was really smelly on the way home! LOL
I wasn't too crazy about Boston. It's a lovely city but it lacks diversity. I made a lot of friends there and I still have clients to service out there so I'll be sharing some of my Bostonian adventures in the future.
Thanks for the support and have a good rest of your weekend!