Looks great full screen, well done!
btw (tell me to piss off if this annoying!) but you can centre the text by enclosing your link with the <center></center> tags. i..e
<center>[Click here for larger image](https://steemit-production-imageproxy-upload.s3.amazonaws.com/DQmS8NVZYieQTLkVK8q9XFr6nUq6JgfMCCfvGL1MCJLwqpH)</center>
Check it out 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
Like magic...its centred!
Keep the tips coming. I need to learn this stuff !!!
Only one more and I'm out of tips! This should make the image clickable as well :
Note the form is [![image name](Image URL)](Image URL)