
thanks for this i really needed it ..i am suffering here.

what causes you to suffer? are you not being well?

i am stuck at (25) i am trying and still its not working.sorry for late reply.

oh, sorry I can't help, but my advice keeps fighting by giving quality posts to the community
Steem on :)

thanks even saying will help! please just do one thing visit my posts see they might interest you.

look i am upgraded to 31. I workd hard all night on this post and it worked .have a look

good, but never add your links to other people posting comments, because they will be considered spam, and spam is not allowed in the community or you will get down votes if you keep doing it. down votes will make your reputation go down and affect your pay out
this is a learning for you and if you keep repeating it then I will down vote your comments, so please dont do it again


thanks for this i really needed it ..i am suffering here.