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RE: The Architectural Gesture

in #architecture8 years ago (edited)

"According to Rice, despite the inventions of engineering, this discipline is not given the credit it deserves and it is because the role of the engineer and the lack of artistic sense in their constructions is unknown." - I truly agree with this, well partially because there are many engineers in my family but more than that is the absurd amount of recognition given to "designers". I use this term only because new terms labeling architectures have been encrypted into our time and engineers are somewhat, unsung heroes? Maybe I'm a little to extreme but the educational hierarchy seems to be mixing and matching all major professions these days. Feels like they're trying to make up for where they messed up, others would argue to ultimately create an all-in-one profession? haha. Just throwing something out there.


I think that there are some differences but certainly the educational hierarchy like you say, has a huge role in this separation/debate. Also positivism and industrialization.

I think the big end game player here would be industrialization. Saying that of the two because I can't come to terms of what else would be able to sway civilization on how professions are treated in the future when everything seems so "hybrid" right now.
