The Bail Agent, The Bounty Hunters, and The Fugitive Part 3
Bounty Hunter2
Fugitive Captured by Bounty Hunters
As the Arizona Bounty Hunter was about to jump back into his vehicle, the sister in law of the fugitive ran out of her home towards the group of fugitive recovery agents. She said she had a particular dislike of Mr. Y for his behavior towards her sister. She said that neither her sister nor Mr. Y would have anywhere to go in Flagstaff, and that they would most likely stay in a motel or homeless shelter. The young lady was confident that the couple was still in Flagstaff. She stated that her sister would not leave Flagstaff without first letting her know her plans.
So with most of the day burned up, it was a long dusty drive back down to the reservation’s town, then onto to the highway headed south towards Flagstaff for the next few hours. It would be dusk when arriving there, so food and then shelter would be the order of business. Next would be the use of a wi-fi connection for some laptop computer p.i. work. Locating the names and addresses of all the local hotels/motels in Flagstaff, as well as any churches, homeless shelters and local government assistance programs that might house our fugitive and his wife. A list of local temporary job placement agencies was gathered as well. This would be homework for Saturday, with less than 2 days left before the court forfeits the bail bond and demands $20,000 cash from the bail bond company.
Early Saturday morning, Flagstaff PD was notified of the warrant for Mr. Y, and that a group of bounty hunters would be on his tail. By mid-afternoon on Saturday, Mr. Y was located. He was staying at a motel in town. After having seen his mug shot, the motel clerk confirmed that he stayed there but was not sure if the fugitive was in his room or not. So after posting a few agents to watch the room it was decided to have front desk call the fugitive and have him come to the front desk on a pretext that there was a mix up on the room charges, but no answer.
So a few agents on post at the motel, and the rest on the street. The Bounty Hunter had a print out of the vehicle the fugitive was known to drive, and now it was a matter of running into the fugitive or hoping he came back to his room. Since the motel clerk did not have much information, it was back to the old school stakeout for one group, and process of elimination for the other group of man trackers.
Breaks suddenly squealing!! The truck suddenly swerving to the right and stopping at angle to the street; rising smoke from the tires!! Doors busting open, Agents jumping out, Mossberg Shotguns pumping, “FUGITIVE RECOVERY, FUGITIVE RECOVERY!!’ “FREEZE, FREEZE, PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR, PUT YOUR F#@KEN HANDS IN THE AIR” “DRIVER TURN OFF YOUR VEHICLE” “TURN OFF YOUR VEHICLE!!” The chase is over! Just like that, blink and the next thing you know, it is going down and it’s over.
Mr. Y was suddenly spotted driving in the direction of the motel. The trucks made a quick u-turn, and as he slowed approaching a stop sign the agents decided to take him down, with one truck blocking him in the front and the other pinning him in the back. With not much resistance, the fugitive was arrested and on his way back to the Los Angeles County Jail. The Arizona Bounty Hunter called with the news of the capture and his approximate arrival to the Arizona/California border, where we would meet to transfer the prisoner.
The drive from the Arizona border to Los Angeles was without incident. Mr. Y said he was trying to make a new life for his wife and himself. He said that he was on the way home from a temp. job when he was spotted and arrested. He believed that he had taken care of his case in Los Angeles, and did not know he had a warrant. So when he was surrendered to the custody of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, it came as no surprise that Mr. Y had another warrant for $100,000 out of Torrance Superior Court. It turns out that Torrance PD had issued a warrant for his arrest in the alleged battery of his ex-girlfriend. So for all the naysayers or haters of commercial bail bonding and bounty hunting, let this story reflect positively on the bail bond industry. No one in Law Enforcement was looking for Mr. Y, even with a $100,000 warrant out for his arrest. Without any cost to the taxpayer, or without putting any strain on any law enforcement agency, this fugitive was captured and returned to justice! Now, onto the next fugitive.
Thanks to the following agencies, groups and any others not mentioned that were involved in this story and apprehension:
Navajo Tribal Police-
Fugitive Recovery Network-,
Arizona Bail Bonds-,
Los Angeles, California Bail Bonds-