Surreal art: Snatch

in #art-venture7 years ago (edited)

Hello dear community, art is the sublime way of showing through a painting, a sculpture, a drawing what you feel, through art you express feelings that you would not say with words, each person interprets what they see in their own way. Interpret yourselves what you see.

There are no borders or barriers, nationality or government in a great artistic world, only to give free rein to ideas and dreams.

With this drawing I want to show a little my surrealist part.


Drawing Process

To begin this drawing I made the sketch with a 2B pencil, then the first thing I started to shade was the eye and part of the nose, this I did with charcoal and a small round brush. Then with a 6B pencil and an HB work the iris of the eye and the edges.

I followed with the charcoal and the brush towards the forehead and towards the right cheek leaving some parts in white as a reflection of the light. With a 0.5 HB mechanical pencil work the eyebrows.



To make the lips thing that for me it has cost me to dominate use a pencil 7B and with a cotton diffuse and I returned to pass the pencil, for the lower lip pass a softer pencil a 3B and with a rubber strip it out a little lights.

Continuing I focus on the eye for this I darkened it and with the rubber I polished it, with a darker pencil an 8B I made the part that seems torn.




  • Cardboard Bristol Letter

  • Graphite pencils HB, 2B, 3B, 6B, 7B, 8B.

  • 0.5 HB mechanical pencil.

  • Small round brush.

  • Eraser

  • Cotton.

Licencia de Creative Commons
This work is under licencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional.