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RE: New Artist on steemit

in #art7 years ago

its my childhood skills lol/.. its big pleasure to me to see famous writer like you comment on my first post.; you really make me happy.. I wish to get the opportunity to draw things for you or even some draw personals in novels. in my next posts you will see such amazing drawings. I even can draw your picture if you allow me.


The reason I asked is because I found this Link on Pinterest and I thought you may have taken inspiration from the picture. I can tell it is NOT the same picture. The four arrowheads in the hair are not the same and the face seems turned towards the artist a little more than in the original.

Plus, the nose on the man is not quite the same.

If you drew the picture in your blog (and I have no reason to doubt that) then you're exceptionally talented, but I asked where you got the inspiration and you could have said.

oh ok i understnad your question now. yes I took the inspiration from this beautifl drawing and redrawe it on my way.; that was a year ago. I have my own inspiration that I got from nature and life in North Africa as I am Algerian. I have done so many drawings that I will share here to show my steemit family. and I am really glad that you likeed my drawing. I tried to change some partes from the orginal drawing because the human face wasn't shown that well and lion hair wasn't that beautiful and well setted. he don't this drawing with pencil and I done it with pen. you really made me happy that you like my drawing. because i draew it a year ago it didn't recieve a big apperciation. many thanks and follow my next post soon.

Yes, the lion's mane/man's hair is different too.

Well done and thank you for clarifying.

you are welcome. hope you have a look about my new posts and tell me your view. you can have a look about my new posts. I shared some drawings I have painted lon time ago; hope you like them.