Frog with top hat, monocle, and cane...he be fancy :P
His favorite artist is Ronnie Drew.
A simple bunny.
Still workin' on my dang roses...
I'm basing my design on these kind of off of a new/old school tattoo mix I guess you'd call it. I don't know if it appeals necessarily, but I like the general direction I'm going with these.
An eye doodle thing plus messing around with editing and color (digitally adding color). The top one was where I started the bottom is where I ended up. I like the crystal effect with the pastel color on this, but it might not be for everyone...I like it though.
Feel like I should note that I don't draw digitally (nothing against folks who do though. I just don't. I Live by the hand man...mostly anyway...or whatever...humor). But anyway, digitally I just mess around with color and feel. A majority of the time the only changes I make are adding glow and enhancing and smoothing the lines so you can actually see my work. Sometimes I add color to the back of the lines if they are particularly faint (as can be seen on the top eye. In addition I like neon color (just coloring edges) and it adds a lot of pop to my images). Now y'all know
I just try and do what works for me. You do you.
Another geisha lady. with this one I was trying to keep it down to the most simple elements. I like them minimal roots. And again, I think these ladies are great for practicing curves and hands.
That's what I've been up too. Hopefully y'all are a little more enlightened about my process too. take it easy and later on folks.
I like it!