Hands and other things...mostly hands~

in #art7 years ago

Doodling various sorts of hands today. You know, practice makes perfect sort of thing. It's all about the repetitions.

I'm not trying to put out any type of magnum opus with these. Just trying to bring y'all along on my crazy art journey.

The whole idea with the above though was to just draw as many different kinds of hands as possible to get that mileage in. Plus, I think doodles like these are a great way to get a look into the mind of the person drawing. This where the magic happens. Learning being done! Improvements being made! Progress happening!

Progress toward what though?

I don't know...getting better at hands.

A quick bird. Not any particular kind of bird. I just enjoying drawing them. I like him, but you can judge if you want.

I was experimenting with shading on this guy. Which is a thing I don't do that often seeing as I do the line art sort of more like handwriting type of drawing most of the time...I don't know how else to describe my typical drawing style just see below I guess. I like lines and I like simple.

And here I put the best image (in my opinion) from the last 24 hours for the people who actually clicked this post instead of scrolling past my practice hand thing...It's a dragon head or a serpent. whichever you prefer...I'm telling you people I can draw...sometimes :P

And I thought it'd be click baity if the main image was my best one. It would have been very disappointing for y'all folks...juz sayin'. So, I'll try not to do that.

I hope you enjoyed my doodling and rambling. Remember not to take everything so serious all the time. Take it easy and later on.


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