A (Super Sculpy - Firm) Face I'm Working On

in #art7 years ago


Being made out of Super Sculpy Firm.


“All Masonic Sects are issued from the ‘WELL OF PERDITION.’" –Pope Pius VIII, in his Encyclical "Traditi" May 21, 1829

“The Church, of course, condemns all secret societies which are Satan’s happy hunting grounds. As Our Predecessors have many times repeated, let no man think that he may for any reason whatsoever join the Masonic sect, if he values his Catholic name and his eternal salvation as he ought to value them. Let no one be deceived by a pretense of honesty. It may seem to some that Freemasons demand nothing that is openly contrary to religion and morality; but, as the whole principle and object of the sect lies in what is vicious and criminal, to join with these men or in any way to help them cannot be lawful” –Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Letter, Humanum Genus, On Freemasonry

“Let us remember that CHRISTIANITY and Freemasonry are essentially incompatible, to such an extent, that to become united with one means being divorced from the other. Let us, therefore, expose Freemasonry as the enemy of God, of the Church and of our Motherland.” –Pope Clement XII in his Pontifical Constitution "In Eminenti" condemned Freemasonry as being Counter-Church and Counter-State

“Let US meditate upon the serious evils which are usually the result of those kinds of Societies or centers, not only concerning the peace of temporal States, but still more as regards the salvation of souls. Those Societies are not in agreement with the civil and economic laws of the States. In order to close the widely open road to iniquities which might be committed with impunity and also for other reasons, just and reasonable, that have come to our knowledge . . . We have resolved and decreed to condemn and forbid such Societies, assemblies, reunions, conventions, aggregations or meetings called either Freemasonic or known under some other denomination. WE CONDEMN AND FORBID THEM BY THIS, OUR PRESENT CONSTITUTION, WHICH IS TO BE CONSIDERED VALID FOR EVER.” –Pope Clement XII

“WE COMMAND TO THE FAITHFUL TO ABSTAIN FROM INTERCOURSE WITH THOSE SOCIETIES . . . IN ORDER TO AVOID EXCOMMUNICATION, WHICH WILL BE THE PENALTY IMPOSED UPON ALL THOSE CONTRAVENING TO THIS, OUR ORDER. NONE, EXCEPT AT THE POINT OF DEATH, COULD BE ABSOLVED OF THIS SIN EXCEPT BY US OR THE THEN EXISTING ROMAN PONTIFF.” –Pope Benedict XIV, on March 16, 1751 published the Constitution ‘Providas’ in which he inserted in full In Eminenti, the Bull which had been written by his predecessor, Clement XII, in order to make it very evident that the condemnation of Freemasonry was IRREVOCABLE and was to be applied to the FUTURE as well as to the PRESENT.

“Lenin and Trotsky, the fathers of the Russian October Revolution, were not only passionate Communists, but were enlightened Freemasons as well. They belonged to the thirty-third degree of the Scottish Rite.” –Manfred Adler, Die Antichristliche Revolution der Freimaurerei, p. 47, December 24, 1917

“Communism is the creation of Freemasonry.” –Manfred Adler, Die Antichristliche Revolution der Freimaurerei, p. 47, December 24, 1917

“At London, where is found the home of the revolution under the Grand Master, Palmerston, there exist two Jewish lodges which never permit Christians to pass their threshold. It is there that all the threads and all the elements of revolution are reunited which are hatched in Christian lodges.” –Gougenot-Demousseaux, The Jew, Judaism, and Judiazation of the Christian Peoples, Paris, p. 340, 1869


“We have blackened the Catholic Church with the most ignominious calumnies; we have stained her history and disgraced even her noblest activities. We have imputed to her the wrongs of her enemies, and thus brought these latter to stand more closely by our side... So much so, that we are now witnessing to our greatest satisfaction, rebellions against the Church in several countries... We have turned her clergy into objects of hatred and ridicule; we have subjected them to the contempt of the crowd... We have caused the practice of the Catholic religion to be considered out of date and a mere waste of time. And the Gentiles, in their stupidity, have proved easier dupes than we expected them to be. One would expect more intelligence and more practical common sense, but they are no better than a herd of sheep. Let them graze in our fields till they become fat enough to be worthy of being immolated to our future King of the World...

… We are the Fathers of all Revolutions - even of those which sometimes happen to turn against us. We are the supreme Masters of Peace and War. We can boast of being the Creators of the REFORMATION! Calvin was one of our Children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the Reformation. Martin Luther yielded to the influence of his Jewish friends, and again, by Jewish authority and with Jewish finance, his plot against the Catholic Church met with success. Thanks to our propaganda, to our theories of Liberalism and to our misrepresentations of Freedom, the minds of many among the Gentiles were ready to welcome the Reformation. They separated from the Church to fall into our snare. And thus the Catholic Church has been very sensibly weakened, and her authority over the Kings of the Gentiles has been reduced almost to naught...

… But the Catholic Church is still alive…We must destroy her without the least delay and without the slightest mercy. Most of the Press in the world is under our Control; let us therefore encourage in a still more violent way the hatred of the world against the Catholic Church. Let us intensify our activities in poisoning the morality of the Gentiles. Let us spread the spirit of revolution in the minds of the people. They must be made to despise Patriotism and the love of their family, to consider their faith as a humbug, their obedience to their Church as a degrading servility, so that they may become deaf to the appeal of the Church and blind to her warnings against us. Let us, above all, make it impossible for Christians outside the Catholic Church to be reunited with that Church, or for non-Christians to join that Church; otherwise the greatest obstruction to our domination will be strengthened and all our work undone. Our plot will be unveiled, the Gentiles will turn against us, in the spirit of revenge, and our domination over them will never be realized. Let us remember that as long as there still remain active enemies of the Catholic Church, we may hope to become Masters of the World... And let us remember always that the future Jewish King will never reign in the world before the Pope in Rome is dethroned, as well as all the other reigning monarchs of the Gentiles upon earth.” –Statements made at a secret Jewish/Masonic order convention of the B'nai B'rith held in Paris and published in the London Catholic Gazette of February 1936 and a few weeks later in the Parisian weekly “Le Reveil du Peuple” under the heading: “The Jewish Peril and the Catholic Church”



Antique notebook paper?? Interesting...



Super cool and old school...I like it!


Nice leather chair! lol

Just awesome your photography. i also love your all post. Really you are best performer and great person on steemit.....

this is great. amazing detail.

It's a pretty great sculpture, I like it

wow,,,,,,this art and photography is very very nice,,,,i love your all post,,,,,,,, upvoted

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