Hello everyone. It's been a while and I really miss making art for myself. haha
Anyway, I'll be sharing with you today a quick art I made. I am planning to finalize it in my free time! I can't wait to show it in the future.
First, this is a meme from Deviantart (art site where I first started sharing my artworks) in which you take an old piece that you love or used to love, and redraw it now. I already did this last 2016 for my 2012 artwork and I can't believe how far each of the works looked. hahahahaha
I feel like a different person each version XD
Although the 2020 version is a color draft and loose, I still can't believe i did this over my lunch break hahaha
Let me show you the process:
- Sketch

- Local Color

- The warm atmosphere (because the light that is gonna come in through the window will bounce around the room and create the warm atmosphere)

- The lights
And finally add the influence from the sky and the light source (the strong light) and bounce light :D
- The lights

Viola, color draft done!
So basically I always do color drafts of my artworks just to see where I'd be heading and this will also serve as my guideline when finalizing.
I look forward to my improvement in the coming years. I will come back and update you guys with the final painting of 2020 version :)
I am fascinated by the way art comes out as a beautiful art piece. The process is really a labor of love for the artist. Congrats po. :)