It's a very warm and welcoming paint despite the actual situation. It's really sad what is happening there. We can only imagine what would it be if the land where we live may be destroyed by war. Facing it should be hard. Anytime I hear this the words of a native american comes to my mind, he said that gold cannot be heaten but humans will realize this just when it's too late! I'm positive about the future though, I believe a change will come soon.
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Humans always realise everything a little too late !!! And war, hatred, violence, cruelty, aggression has always led to an atmosphere and situation of injustice to someone !
The place is very serene and beautifully welcoming. Nature celebrates all the seasons and sings the song of Universe.
Very accurately spoken, @airmatti. The wisdom of the Native Americans always speaks the truth. Thank you so much for your appreciation and support, @airmatti :)