I have watched Deepak Chopra saying that our thoughts are repetitions of what we have learnt through out our lives. I believe this is correct and everybody with conscious awareness can relate to the source of every thought he has.
I would like to add that thoughts create emotions which in turn empower the same sort of thought that creates more the same emotions.
Negative emotions if suppressed remain in the body as energy these stored emotions accumulate to form what is called by Eckhart Tolle as the Pain Body.
When you ignore your emotions they don't dissolve, They just escape your awareness and keep affecting you the same way as if you were aware of them.
The only way to dissolve them is by bringing them back to awareness and watching them without rejection or judgment.
Thanks for sharing your experience, :)
thanks for adding your perspectives here.
The subtle art of forgive and forget. Tending to the weeds within the internal garden of heaven.