I've been working on updating my website. I think it's finally to my liking except a few things.
If you have the time, I'd love some feedback on my site.
Here's an image I created that I'm using for my background.
I call this Glitch of Encrypted Thorns
I also have a new single out called Aether Wars. You can find me on all music and most social media platforms under Onyx Thorn.
I am ever grateful for this community and the support I'm given. I struggle a lot with my mental health. I have borderline personality disorder; my anxiety and depression has not been kind. My father died last year in June and even though I've handled it well overall, it still has its consequences. I wish I was able to pump out so much more artwork. I want to make a career out of my art and music. But I know we all do. My confidence is finally there but my energy is so low. If you believe in universal energy, if you have any extra to give, any amount of it would be greatly appreciated.
If there's any typos here I missed, I'm at the bar so excuse me please.
Sending out love. Please stay safe.