"Hitbodedut" / התבודדות
The next drawing is called
"Hitbodedut" I do not know how to call it in English but it can be explained easily.
This is a situation in which a Jew goes to a quiet place, alone.
And speaks to God, in certain sects in Judaism such as "Breslav"
they ask you to speak to God as if he were your father and to speak to God in simple terms.
In the painting, everything looks like dark and black,
The earth (we) unite with the sky(God) and therefore the puddle on the floor is piece from the sky.(cut)
The person looking down sees the hope in heaven, he believes that God will help him, but he is still depressed.
This is a very important element in Judaism
Even when everything seems dark, we must never give up.
Even depression can turn everything black.
You miss spelled Shahaf on the title
And btw, the drawing is great!
Nice job @amiramnoam
This is an amazing piece of art .The ideal time for hitbodedut is at night that why there is dark all around. This painting represent the sadness of person but also show hope that god will help him. Thanks for sharing
You must create yourself in the unity of God, voting for the mandatory existence. However, you cannot isolate yourself first (if you don't destroy it) you cannot be worthy of it. However, if the Hitbodedut meditation (mental retreat) is marked, your abstraction is impossible. If you meditate and express your instant thoughts in front of God, you may be worthy of destroying all your desires and your bad tendencies.
Awesome drawing @amiramnoam
While the level of education and culture has not yet reached modernism, imposition of lifestyle models from a higher level has destroyed the existing tissue that holds society together and at the same time it causes serious damage to human psychology and makes people unhappy.
Epicurus BC In the 4th century, he established friendship as a necessary condition for the painful avoidance and happiness of the school in the ancient school. It was financially sufficient for a cup of food and a sheltered roof. But friendship was important for a happy life. "While the way of being happy can be so simplified, it is not possible to support the thesis that we have been transformed into bipedal animals with the forms of life that capitalism has imposed on man. While modernism develops methods of tameification, postmodernism hinders mental and spiritual development by bringing primal self to the forefront.
Good job done sir @amiramnoam
Great job
This is an awesome photography. Its really amazing photo and also creative art. I really impressed your photography and art.

wow you are very creative very awesome art.

thanks for sharing this great art....i like it most for you explained it very easily that i understand...
Nice blog.such a beautiful post.keep it up.hope people will be like on this.go ahead.thank you
Good art name but not easy to understand @amiramnoam
good post... i like your all post... I look forward to every one of your #post..thank you so very much for #sharing..
our belief is different I can only appreciate the trust you,,,!!
so I'm not familiar with what you tell us.
Thanks @amiramnoam
very good post
There is a wonderful wonderful example in the religion of Islam
God says :
"I am near to the thought of My servant
as he thinks about Me, and I am with him as he remembers Me. And if he remembers Me in his heart, I also remember him in My Heart, and if he remembers Me in assembly I remember him in assembly, better than his (remembrance) and
if he draws near Me by the span of a palm, I draw near him by the cubit, and if he draws near Me by the cubit I draw near him by the space (covered by) two hands. And if he walks towards Me, I rush towards him"
This is an interesting story, everyone inserted the year according to his conviction
all human expect the good.
simple design. but there are deep feelings in the picture. I really like. I am sure you are given the right. Something obviously important to your religion. and an important element in the name of humanity as a statement
Much strength has that image printed, thank you for showing us art.
The colors are as intense, as is the message of the work.
not in Judaism even in every religion the message is same never gave up @amiramnoam
This is the best art of Shahaf Ben Shaya, so far, to me. Such an amazing art with deep thoughts. Truly inspirational. Friend @amiramnoam
this is a very good work,
very awesome,, i really like art,, if you wish to visit my post
its just very nice post.. good art... i like your post.. i mean.. everyone liks your post.. thank you so much for your nice post sharing..
good peace and in case you can hold some classes then i will be glad to be part of it
This a gift, you are creative in what you do, I so much love that piece of act, it a gorgeous painting,i have to print this out.
hot a picture ..... GOOD JOB
This is a very important post for us!!! thank you for sharing!!!!!!!!!I am upvoting you!
wow that's good news man!!
i always support.
It is a metaphor made in drawing, with a courageous message to live every day ...
"Even when everything seems dark, we should never give up"
It is very true @amiramnoam. Greetings from Venezuela!
So motive. Never give up until your prayer is answered
I believe this act is also in Christianity! Close relationship with God the father just as Jesus taught the prayer model 'Our Father, who art in heaven....'
In worship and meditation on God's word, we also crave to be so close to Him in our hearts!
Love it.
Dear @amiramnoam
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If you are willing to pay a visit to my blog lah, with all due respect I thank you.
Save poor countries
Save humanity and the future of the children.
There is always a will to see Good things happening to you..Be it heavens or hereafter, its such a satisfying feel and it jus engraves into ones' soul..The thirst is immense and it is never fulfilling..
a painting with deep purpose and meaning... great job by the artist!
אני מבין שהאדם מסתכל על הקרקע כי הוא כבר לא יודע במי לבטוח, הוא לבד בתוך כל החשיכה וכבר אין לו מה לעשות - אז הוא נועץ עיניים בקרקע ביאוש מהעולם הזה ומהבטחון בעזרה מבני אדם - ודווקא מתוך המקום שבו הוא מבין שאין מישהו שיעזור לו חוץ ממי שאיננו שוכן בארץ - נפתח לו פתח, והוא מרגיש את ה' מאיר לו שביב קטן של אור מתוך כל החשיכה. בשמיים יש חתיכה שחורה, יתכן שזה מסמל את השתתפות ה' בצער של היהודי הסובל המתבודד.
Excelente arte! me encanto. Gracias por compartir.
I have read about this Breslov Hitbodeut vs. Chabad Hitbonenut, active and passive forms of meditation where one settles on the consciousness where other withdraws from thoughts and feelings. It is done in the night time when everyone is asleep.
I would translate it as isolation.
This practice is known from ancient times, in fact Abraham used to isolate himself and talk to God.
Loved the drawing, thanks for sharing.
Excellent performance of drawing.
Thanks for shear.
Happy Steeming.
the work is beautiful and very professioanl, im glad for that sucess , could you tell me the secret of all thoese upvots thats really impressive , im having a hard start i need some encouragment and i belive in this beautiful community