That afternoon, we (Tourism Journalist Forum) passed in Kampung Merah Putih, Tual City. Looks interesting indeed from a distance the whole house in the village colored red and white paint.

When entering more deeply, the entire wall of the house depicted typical of those who meritorious to ever sit in the presidency, heroes, also those who scent the name of Indonesia in the world kanca.

Then, we saw some kids playing wheel racing with the help of wood in their hands to control it. There is one child who attracts attention, his name is Pace (photo number 2). Apparently the story of Pace is told to us by a young man who was enjoying the afternoon on the terrace of his house.
Pace was born native son, Sorong, Papua. While playing in a container truck he was not aware that he did not know why he was carried to this Tual.
The people around had a chance to report to the local police. It turns out that until now there has been no news reports about Pace's parents. One of the people in this village finally lifted Pace as his adopted son.

Smile typical of eastern children sweet and friendly, it seemed as if decorate the whole village of Merah Putih this. Symbolic red (bold) and White (holy) we may be able to embed in the Little Pace. .
At the age of the children he dared not live in the arms of his birth parents and because in his age is still considered holy, he was saved and taken care of by new parents who loved him.
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