Art for Kids - a brilliant on-line tool for getting your kids (and you!) to draw better.

in #art8 years ago

My 7-year-old LOVES drawing. I think most kids do but, neither me nor my husband draw well so it’s difficult to really teach her. We found this guy on YouTube over a year ago and my daughter is completely addicted to following his lessons. They are fun, easy to understand and follow but most importantly, they're current. Check out the link:

I really can’t recommend this guy enough. Just put your kids in front of him and you’ll see why. Here’s a selection of drawings that my 7-year-old has copied.









I'm planning on setting up a little website for her and seeing if she can get any orders for her drawings. People will be able to choose from her stock and, for €10 or so, she will draw their chosen picture for them from scratch. We will then find a local charity to give the money to. At 7 years old, I am hopeful that this will give my daughter a sense of earning, entrepreneurialism, dedication, selling and most importantly, charity. Summer is my busiest time for work being a pro wedding photographer so this isn't going to happen straight away but it's on the list as a winter project. What do you think? Any thoughts on the concept would be much appreciated.
