I like your ideas with the arms and bodies, it's a tough road and it can be a lot more difficult for the self taught. Get to know your machines (there's some great online videos) and don't jump straight into tattooing friends and family.
Make sure you see your art progressing, get the theory down, learn about how to work hygienically and the dangers of tattooing and blood borne pathogens.
Learn your needle groupings and consider how you'd use them to achieve what you achieve with pencils.
Start on fruit like grapefruits or fake latex skin to get a feel for the machine. Lastly get tattooed and take it all in or visit a tattoo convention nearby, learn from watching the process, above all have integrity and realise the permanence of the job.
Good luck
thank you for the advice, seriously. ive only ever seen discouraging comments toward people who want to self teach tattooing. it's nice to hear some encouraging, practical advice from someone who's already in the practice
Some of the best people in the business were self taught, obviously it's not the preferred method or route to go because you could learn bad habits but if there's no alternative and you have the drive to do it and do it as responsibly as possible I think everyone is entitled to their dreams.
A real truth. Thank you again, so much, for your input!