

Thank you...

I have only tried once to stop smoking. I made it through two days without a cigarette. It was very hard for me... haha. I really don't have that much willpower...

I started smoking about 10 years ago. My daily consumption amounts up to 20 selfrolled cigarettes without a filter. But on some days it can be a lot more...

My parents are/were heavy smokers too. My dad smoked 2 to 3 packs of cigarettes every day. He smoked since he was 16... this led to cancer and 3 months ago he passed away.

That's why I want to stop smoking but otherwise there is something in me that doesn't care anymore... that's why "I smoke, till I choke".

Do you smoke cigarettes?!

Thank you for reading and your comment!


Personally no, have you tried vaping?

yes, I tried vaping but after 2 weeks or so I was back to smoking cigarettes. it just didn't work for me...