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RE: The Immovable Lady of the Sea - artwork and story by @mariandavp

in #art7 years ago

Time is what stimulates most of us to enjoy the little time we have here. If you don't believe in a higher being then it is good to see life as a gift to you as you have been given the opportunity to leave your imprint on the world. You live in a small time frame compared to the existence of the Earth and I'd say to cherish that time which others could wish they had. As we grow old it will feel as if life just went by in a flash.

I love the story behind this piece of work. So enthralling and it makes me grateful of how much. Having a companion in life is a fundamental thing for happiness. It may be with friends or family but for some it may be nature.

The more people you have in your life the happier you will feel. Another amazing piece of artwork @mariandavp


Well said @arckrai...we live in a small timeframe compared to the existence of the earth, well said! Thank you very much for your views and support!