Vespa Miniature Making Process Of Canned Waste

in #art7 years ago


Cans and bottles do not have to be thrown away in the trash can. Used bottles can also be utilized into unique items of economic value. Like the youth from Sumberagung Village, Banjarejo Blora Subdistrict, which successfully transformed bottles and used tins into high artwork.

He is Joko Purnomo, originated from his concerns to see many used tins on the streets and piles of garbage, he has an idea to juggle the used cans into a work that can be used as a typical souvenir Blora.

"At first I saw a tin near the scattered house and I took it for me to turn it into a miniature vehicle. It turned out to be good and many are interested, "said Joko Purnomo when contacted Info Blora, yesterday.

The basic ingredients used to make such high value art are soft drink or soft drink cans, only with glue capitalize, cardboard and scissors, this single young man can make miniature car, miniature vespa, miniature rickshaw and a number of other miniatures develop.

"No special skills I have mas. Everything is self-taught as best I can, "he said.

According to him, he only a month to pursue this work, although orders have come from outside Blora, such as Demak, Rembang, Grobogan, and others. Joko admitted in one day he can make miniatur four to six pieces.

"For used tin materials, I get directly from the scavengers in Blora. sometimes also take around the neighborhood as well. From the former use of used goods, now be hunting used goods, "he added.

Joko added prices for the miniature he appreciated from Rp 20 thousand to Rp 40 thousand depending on the miniature model in want. Like the price of miniature vespa of Rp 20-25 thousand, becak Rp 30 thousand and miniature of cars amounting to RP 40 thousand.

"Customers are usually mostly from social media because I market it through facebook. But there are also customers who come to the house directly and can request the appropriate color tins to be made miniature desired, "he continued.

Currently though only a month to pursue miniature activities, he claimed to have been able to meet the needs of his life. He claimed to make a miniature of used tins as a side effort in meeting daily needs.












How to Make a Miniature Vespa from a Used Cans

*. Prepare tools and materials to make miniature cars from used tins. Then cut the head and the bottom of the can.

  • Divide the keleng part to be divided into two and become one rectangle plate.
  • After that make the plate becomes stiff so as not to form the scroll, so it is easy to draw the pattern of mobilan car from used tin.
  • Picture the pattern of miniature car (truck) as below.
  • Cut the cans of the used tin according to the pattern made.
  • Then form the slab to be a part of the miniature car later. For more details can see Video Tutorial Making a Miniature Car from a Used Cans Below
  • Now create a gas drain or miniature car exhaust from a can.
  • Unite the miniature part of the mobilannya car into one part as shown below.
  • Now make the wheel part of this toy mobilan car.
    *. And finally finished already how to make a miniature car from a used can.

good luck at home ..... :)


Your post is very nice,i m very happy reading your post,thanks for posting........

you're welcome friend, are you interested to make miniature too?