Exactly. A lot of times when something is not looking right or I think i should just paint over it, I have to step back and look at older completed pieces and remember I pretty much felt the same way about most of them at one point of the process or another. I know I just have to keep making observations and adjustments and it will eventually come together.
Art is hard work regardless of what some people think. It takes sacrifice. It takes passion.It takes commitment.
I used to face that urge of painting over frustrating works. Now I stay with the works and see them through. I have a bit more patience now. I guess I now know how to better resolve painting issues. Indeed, having access to our older works can motivate us to push on through.
"Everybody is an artist", "Everything is art", not true, because as you rightly said, it takes, sacrifice, passion and importantly commitment. Not everybody has that.