I once met a gallery owner and asked if he would consider exhibiting my work.
He had a look through my portfolio and became a little irritated.
"Why do you want to be an artist?" He asked:
"It is all I know. I create because it is my desire, my drive, my spiritual need" I answered.
"Oh dear oh dear. You´re not one of those emotional spiritual types are you?" He said, sarcastically.
I just stood there and prepared to pack my things away, I was obviously not going to get anywhere with this guy, I thought.
"Well thank you for your time, I did not know making good art was a crime." I said. And as I started to go he blurted out. ; "Listen dummy, art is not funny, it´s about prestige and status and most of all money"
Was he right?
Well, there are two things called art. And sometimes they can be the same thing.
There is what the art connoisseur likes. What they buy, what they set up shows for. And some of it is trash. Some of it is literally trash.
Then there is the art that is an expression of your desire from the need to create. And this is sometimes art. Sometimes its a well made piece of furniture. But it is always something you put your soul into it.
There is also a third class. But it isn't really art at all. It is this god-aweful stuff that so many big galleries hold. It is being paid for by big names like Soros, and it is designed to kill peoples idea of what art is. And by comparison, people see advertising and so much better and soothing that they are drawn to it.
Very wise, very helpful, thank you. Followed.
Amazing ,wonderful ,beautiful post
Thanks for share
Hey thanks, apprecited
nice post..loved it
For many poeple, maybe most art is about status and money. But if art is about the messge and dive for you, just look for likeminded people. We can only work with thise who have a similar world-view. :)
Hey thanks for the kind words, followed back.
Thank you