I must admit, when this incident happened the other day, you did come into my mind and I wondered of you had experienced anything similar.
I had not thought about it bit I think you may have hit the nail of the head - in that we might be living in an age of entitlement. If that is true then I am not sure what the answer is just yet but I certainly do not agree with it.
A friend of mine is staying with me at the moment and his son is doing a degree in philosophy - according to him I have no right to "own" my work. Apparently it is the "action" of making the work that defines who I am, not the work itself. So I am "entitled" to be paid for the action but not the work itself otherwise I am being paid twice. Thus once the work is made it belongs to everyone.
Hmm, funny how those who create nothing believe they have the right to own everything for free.
Times are changing it seems and I am not sure of where we are going but the consequences could be dramatic.
Thanks for the support @denkarkguy. your insights are always invaluable.
I do try to keep up with world trends... and one of the meta-trends we seem to be in the middle of is that more and more of the younger people coming up define their existence purely through experiences rather than objects or people. "Permanent" relationships are on the way out as is-- it seems-- the idea of "owning" things. On the way IN is a life that can exist completely out of a backpack or suitcase... "work" is any place you can set up your laptop and have a wifi connection.... having this discussion with our daughter (25), some weeks back.
When we put up the signs in the gallery her words were "Yeah, I sort of understand what you mean, but most people my age will find that pretty douchy."
I asked her what the point of taking photos of everything was, and whether she ever looked at them again. Her impression (and she's a pretty smart cookie) is that the photos are not for copying, or printing... they are a "collection" of "been theres" and "did thats." Like people of old might collect post cards or something... you build and have a collection, but most collectors seldom actually LOOK at their collection.
It was, at least, a SMALL insight.
Very interesting to hear that point of view from your daughter- it does help to explain things. I have a daughter that age too I will ask her opinion. I am not sure how this generation will deal with all this though when they are older. I mean it is as though they believe they will be young forever. They may be in for a shock.