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RE: .

in #art7 years ago (edited)

You didn't need to copy and paste and spam post links 3 separate times with images. Once would have been bad enough, I find it kinda rude to do that to users here.

a lot of people don't give a shit about dropping links in people's comment sections, me personally.... I think it is not a nice practice. If I spent three comments just spamming my own links and art at you, I think you wouldn't feel great about it either.

Your new- so here is some important advice. Make friends before you use their comments sections to promote yourself otherwise people might flag you.

Check out Steemit Chat if you are desperate for promotion. It is a safe place where you can drop all your links.

I will let others go find your work as you have "so kindly" displayed it here, for us all to see.


You are right. I am still learning a lot... Thanks for the piece of advice! :-)