My first 3d doughnuts!
Hi, fellas!
Do you know what is Blender?
Well… Not this type of blender...
I'm talking about 3D software.
Many people wonder what is the best way to start learning Blender, so I will share with you the most famous YouTube tutorials for beginners.
Andrew Price
In my opinion his tutorials are the best for beginners. Andrew explains everything very detailed, so you can create these tasty doughnuts, even if you have never done something related to 3D.
These tutorials are also good way to start, especially if you don't have much free time or you are looking for something realistic like cups, rings or even this cloth napkin:
Some doughnut variations, made by beginners:
Source: ~~~ embed:blender/comments/60i05c/my_first_project_from_blender_guru_lol/?st=jd03cnek&sh=0f903771 reddit metadata:fGJsZW5kZXJ8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2JsZW5kZXIvY29tbWVudHMvNjBpMDVjL215X2ZpcnN0X3Byb2plY3RfZnJvbV9ibGVuZGVyX2d1cnVfbG9sLz9zdD1qZDAzY25layZzaD0wZjkwMzc3MXw= ~~~
Source: ~~~ embed:blender/comments/5s7e60/my_first_render_blender_guru_beginners_doughnut/?st=jd02y6fl&sh=1b267e5c reddit metadata:fGJsZW5kZXJ8aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cucmVkZGl0LmNvbS9yL2JsZW5kZXIvY29tbWVudHMvNXM3ZTYwL215X2ZpcnN0X3JlbmRlcl9ibGVuZGVyX2d1cnVfYmVnaW5uZXJzX2RvdWdobnV0Lz9zdD1qZDAyeTZmbCZzaD0xYjI2N2U1Y3w= ~~~
I did :D a goddamn juicer, i used solidworks for the task :D
I'm looking forward to seeing it :D