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RE: The image is made of own imagination and thoughts

in #art6 years ago

Hello @xpilar, your digital image is very beautiful. I like it very much. I will make a short story from your digital image. there is a village in the middle of the city. the village was very prosperous and prosperous. That was because Pak Aldi as the village head had a fair attitude in all matters, was good, and did not commit acts of corruption on village finance.

Pak Aldi has extraordinary dreams. besides making the people prosperous, Pak Aldi really wanted the village to look very beautiful. he always thinks how to make a village that looks beautiful. and finally he got the idea to make the village look beautiful. that is by making a floor that is coated with glass.

of course it makes a lot of funds come out. because besides buying the cost of glass, it also requires strict supervision of the glass. if the glass breaks, it must be replaced immediately. so that the local population is not exposed to broken glass.
Pak Aldi as village head requested approval from the community. and the community agrees with the idea.

not all floors are covered with glass. only roads are not covered. so that the vehicle can run without interference. and Mr. Aldi also made a rule that when someone is walking on glass, they cannot carry heavy items such as iron. heavy items may be carried while on the floor that is not coated with glass. and the community also strongly agrees with the rules set by Pak Aldi.

all motorists passing through the village were very impressed with the beauty of the village. even the village entered television as the best village in the country. and the people in the village are very happy. Pak Aldi also felt very satisfied. because the desire can be achieved.

Posted using Partiko Android


thanks for your description @aulia1993

I also thank you very much for your kindness so far.

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