Looks like I've just discovered a diamond in the rough here!
Wow @gric, this creation is absolutely magical and profound.
This piece connects me with visions of the future... It's an ineffable feeling, can't quite express it in words. Nonetheless, powerful.
To be aware of every sensation, feeling, thought as it arises, from moment to moment, choicelessly, is to be free from scars, never allowing a scar to be formed.
The ability to remove the filter fully would be quite an experience. I assume this would define a non-dual state of awareness. To not choose, to not define, to allow all possibilities to remain in a perfect state of equilibrium as a thought-less, mind-less observer...
Thank you for crossing ways with me @gric. I'm really excited and grateful for the awareness of you here.
~ @axios
Thank you @axios!
Krishnamurti was trying to explain the inexplicable, and even though I see myself failing over and over again to get a glimpse of his clarity, I find in his words comfort and inspiration!
Fully agree with you there brother!