More fun with fractal art

in #art8 years ago

I think I am starting to overdo it a little bit and spending way more time than I should experimenting with different designs and colors. This one reminds me of waves in the ocean but I am sure some people will see other things, so feel free to share what you see.

This one turned out a little creepy, like a warped Van Gogh

Now its time for me to take a break!


First one definitely look like waves! Or maybe flames.
Second one is super cool too! Neat pics! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, I think I over dosed on playing around with this stuff. Time for me to get outside and take more photos.

BTW---- it will be a new moon soon(less light interference from the moon), so its a very good time for Milky way captures if you are so inclined. I remember you expressed an interest in it a while back.

we must believe this image is yours ? just becouse you put your name in ? lol

I also have the original and have it on my website, but I do appreciate the compliment

Yes, I can imagine a lot of waves on the ocean through your 1st picture! No idea about the 2nd picture, maybe whirl water! Amazing!