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RE: Wolverine sketch with process

in #art7 years ago

After reading all the comments I gotta say, though I don't disagree, I am a personal fan of fiery sketched out work. This already captures Wolverine perfectly. Giving the hands and claws a bit more love, as you did the muscles and face would finish this in my minds eye :)
Being able to feel the sharpness of his blades is apart of the character design that makes Wolverine my favorite silhouette.

Having said that if you finish this (and it sounds like you will) It is sure to be awesome!


ok so this really puts it in the sort of work it up but keep it somewhat sketchy feel. Great feedback so appreciate it and it fits in well with the others. Good note on his claws too cause that contrast would stand out, I will sharpen those up! Thanks for stopping by and taking the time.