Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.
All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)
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Richard Hersel
Have you noticed the sameness of politicians worldwide?
Of course, all are highly devious and snide,
Self-serving, is a “quality” that comes to mind,
Hypocrisy, because their electorate they claim to find
Top of the list in their decision making mind
Yes, indeed, they undoubtedly are the same
All of them, always adroitly avoiding blame
Should they happen to make a decision courageous,
Don’t worry, such a thing happens so rarely it’s not contagious.
If criticism they happen to get,
It’s always “politically motivated” and yet,
How can a past dalliance with a floozy,
Contribute to criticism from the politically choosy.
In many countries voting is compulsory,
They have to do that, due to the nitwits you see,
Running for Parliament seats nowadays,
Their lack of good sense and class does amaze.
Of course if they happen to be selected,
In other words they are elected,
They can draw on a bureaucratic source,
Of knowledge and experience, of course,
And, if they are re-elected with some repetition
They may eventually, against stiff competition,
Make it to a Cabinet position in time,
The ultimate goal, though, is to be the Minister Prime.
The way to these goals is to create little fuss,
And to have a thick hide, like a rhinoceros.
Hubert Honeysuckle was the member for Gizzard,
He was voted in by a landslide blizzard,
Not because he was the best on offer,
Or that he had anything worthy to proffer.
Many opinions of voters, yes, their voices,
Were that he was the least worse of the choices.
He was absolutely determined to make his mark,
For him this Parliament thing wasn’t a lark.
His political platform was rather cute,
“Prevent Insanely Stupid Stickers on Fine Fruit”.
The acronym for this worthy cause,
May give some cause for pause,
PISS OFF it turns out to be,
Hubert was outraged, you can see.
With the annoying habit of having stickers on each fruit
(This habit must certainly be given the boot).
Which are hard to peel off without damage to skin,
Alternatively, one could swallow them, such a gross sin.
If a compost bin you do own,
You’ll note that fruit/veg are prone,
To break down to compost very nicely.
But the stupid stickers may stay precisely,
As they were, off the printers press,
Oh, what a useless stupidity, what a mess!
Naturally, for this unwanted addition,
Consumers must pay for this cost sedition,
Yes, they must bear the additional price
For something that is decidedly very un-nice.
That is to say, these insane stickers,
The cause of all these stupid bickers.
Did we mention the question of hygiene yet?
No one ever thought of that I bet.
Germs of all sorts find welcome abodes,
Around these imbecilic stickers thought up by toads.
And so Hubert to Parliament went,
In order that his “platform” he could vent.
With understatement he would recklessly flirt,
But always ready to expound, always alert,
To opportunities to extend his vendetta,
In inordinate detail, right down to the letter.
As you will undoubtedly notice, when you go to the store,
Hubert’s campaign turned out to be a fruitless chore.
Yes, fruit still has a proliferation of stickers.
It is enough to get right up your knickers,
But, as we have already heard,
Things to do with politics are absurd.
nice poem beastly..... the rotten system rules the world unfortunately
'Of course if they happen to be selected,
In other words they are elected'
well-said my friend!!!
Thank you, well said.
From their snooty arrogance and endorsed by their election they feel "elected" and able to program any imbecile law. Ciao Richard have a great day!
Your comment is very true. Thank you.
True..there character and way of doing things is just interesting and astonishing at the same time. This seems more like a shake up.
This is so true! In many countries voting is compulsory, They have to do that, due to the nitwits you see. So so funny!
You are very right.
very nice poem. politicians, true that they are same wolrd wide, but some are exeptional
Haha, great poem bruh. Keep um coming truth be told you are right!
politic is somehow the same in other way. Anyway nice poem!!
Some things doesn't change, and politicians are one of those...
Unfortunatetly, I know very well, no, extremely well, that tale...
Greetings, great post :)
usually I will comment for you.my account was hacked by people. empty wallet.i apologize thank you.
Every time I choose a politician, I like buying a cat inside a sack. Now I'm lazy to choose politicians. I'd rather read your poem @beastlybanter.
nice post