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RE: iTALENT Contest | Round 2 | AUDITIONS Until 25'th of March | All Talents Accepted

in #art7 years ago

Hi @ivan.atman! Thanks so much for tagging me on this, the reminders really help :) I have an older track (previously posted) that I'd like to remix by adding more synth hooks, electric guitar, and possibly bass. Would that qualify for entry into iTalent? Already has drum programming, multiple synths, and backing vox so would be difficult to do the whole thing over...


Of course @bennettitalia you can enter with anything at all actually, as long as you make a iTalent post to enter, the contest will get more demanding as it goes, now I'm just trying to bring the crowd over so we can make it into something serious, so probably in the Round 4 there will be specific challenge (to create something new) but man I always love to hear your tracks, you bring it fresh straight out of your mindset, intimate and theatrical, we can do a collab sometimes, do something f... crazy 😆

Lol yes! that would be awesome :D

Ok will post my entry tomorrow...