The first photo is the finished painting. I've known this dog since she was a pup and I play ball with her several times/week when visiting her owners. The painting was painted on Gessobord panel and with pure paint (no medium). Sometimes I tone the canvas/panel just to get rid of the stark white surface, but this time I didn't. Photos of my work in progress are below.
The first stage: I drew a few lines with a pencil just to get an idea of where I wanted the subject on the panel, then I switched over to drawing with a brush just to get the general placement of eyes/nose etc.
Next Stage: Sometimes I paint the background last, but this time I painted it first as I wanted to get a good feel for how the painting would look with the same color family as the subject matter.
Next Stage: I continued blocking in the main color areas, trying to get the proper values.
Next Stage: I'm correcting some values and painting a bit more detail.
Thanks for reading. -Bob
The grief suffered after a pet dog dies can be the same as that experienced after the death of a person.