Boobaloooo's first post

in #art2 years ago

Art by Boobaloooo

Hello all! This is my first ever post on the Hive blockchain.

I enjoy painting with acrylics and would like to share a small Goddess painting that I created recently, along with two Ai-altered images based upon the original.

After scanning the painting into my computer I input the image along with a brief textual description into an Ai-art generator bot that's available online. The results are quite interesting.

Below is the original shown a bit larger than actual size.
The two images that follow are it Ai-generated.

Let me know what you think... I'm looking forward to some feedback!

Ancient Cycladic Isis goddess original.jpg

Ancient Cycladic Isis goddess 2.jpg

Ancient Cycladic Isis goddess 1.jpg
❤ Art by boobaloooo


Hey this is really cool @boobaloooo! Amazing how the output images picked-up all the general details of the original.. even that shaded area that you painted around the Goddess body come out very 3-D in the Ai images. Thanks for sharing and welcome to Hive!

thanks for the feedback @orionsbeltbuckle! I'll post a few more in a bit.

welcome to the Hive blockchain!very nice post @boobaloooo and