This is absolute bullshit. You know what this is? This is what it looks like when unoriginal, plagiaristic "professionals" attempt to justify themselves, and atone for the fact that they have no personal identities. Such parasites will even pull the "flattery" card when caught and confronted!
I agree. However, I'm also inspired by other art I see. I don't steal ideas I just rework them in my own way.
Inspiration implies respect for the artist though, right? You talk like a genuinely creative individual.
Ideas from others can always be improved on. I'm a career artist, I look at as much art as possible. You're right too, I don't directly copy work out of respect for other artists. It's unspoken rule among true creative people.
I like what the 19th century French poet Rimbaud said about it (in regard to future poets): "There will come other workers; they will begin at the horizons where he has expired."