Title: Thank You For Having The Audacity To Love Me
(said in a dream where love is real...)
I always use a ton of symbolism in my art. Symbols that may or may not mean something to someone else.
Repeated symbols, such as the swallow. They stand for home, direction and most importantly, HOPE.
The clouds and rain, symbolize abundance but also life's hardships. They go hand in hand, if we know how to look at things. Rain gives life. It gives relief. It can also give floods. But the swallows are there, reminding us we always have hope and things to be thankful for.
The kite is a symbol of growth and change. Also of childhood. In this particular scene, the kite is obviously a heart, but though it is being tethered, it is also being allowed to fly free to an extent. Love, finally released and free, still guarded... protected. This can be an extremely brave act for those who have been damaged (there's a patch on the heart). She has a single tear, but is in good spirits, full of hope. The tear is one of joy, gratefulness, sorrow, regret... but mostly because she's coming through and she's ok. She'll make it. See the smile? And she's got plenty of line to let that heart kite fly as high as she wants.
All these things might mean something entirely different to you. What's important, is, we draw something personal from art. Something that makes us feel, think, learn, grow. And most of all, HOPE.
It's in my shop now: https://www.etsy.com/listing/531032229/thank-you-for-having-the-audacity-to
Very good job my friend! That girl does not want to let go of that heart. Poor the boy who owns the heart. I was a little afraid of that girl's eyes, but your art work is outstanding. Thanks for sharing. Big hug!
Thank you :)
wow you're good. I liked the shades of blue you used
Thank You For Having The Audacity To Love Me
Thank you for never putting anyone above me
Thank you for being you no matter what
Not caring what they think or how they act
Thank you for giving me the courage to be me
Because of you everyone gets what they see
Because of you i reject any less than a dream
Because because of you i finally get what's meant to be
Thank you :)
Gorgeous details and colours @brokentoyland.
Thanks :)
Love only for them who sacrifice their life such as parents Have a good luck. I hope see you again.
I'm really enjoying your style of art! Thanks for sharing
Thanks. And thank YOU for your comments :)
You're welcome, and btw I also resteemed this post ;)
Well thanks again :)