Artists' Highlights at C-Squared: @rachelsvparry and @jankasparec

in #art6 years ago

Artists' Highlights at C-squared

Hi everyone !

I've been spidering around Steemit's visual art spheres for a while now and it has always been a passion of mine to support, recognize, and highlight artists and their works :D

I bring these highlights via C-Squared's platform, so you can browse and enjoy these beautiful talents we have on Steemit :)

Note: if you have an artist that you think should be appreciated more, let me know at any time :> You can leave a comment on these posts, and I will try to pick them up in future editions

Issue 8 Artists


@rachelsvparry joined Steemit on 12 August 2016! One of the earliest artists who had joined and is still active until today! Amazing :D ! Rachel describes herself as a surrealist and satire artist through her introductory post three years ago, and I can see why she adopts such descriptions :) She is bold in her topics, unapologetic and striking, and she never shies away from the things that confront people.

She’s also down-to-earth, passionate, open, friendly, and wonderfully honest. I got to know Rachel very easily through her posts, which talk about her life very intimately, as if she is ready to call any visitor to her blog a friend, if only they’d talk to her back :)

On top of being a painter, Rachel also enjoys improv. theatre plays, social justice issues, and rescuing cats even when she’s allergic to them :D She’s an amazing Steemian, and one of my favourites, and a talent that you should check out when you can!

Here are a few examples from @rachelsvparry’s artworks:

Queen Bilbo I – This is a portrait of Bilbo, the cat that Rachel rescued, as Queen Elizabeth! Her attention to details is on full display here :D

Hellmouth – One of my favourites from Rachel’s works, a wonderfully creepy piece and yet so beautifully painted! I love all the little arms and hands coming out of the mouth, so so so so so much <3

The Basilist – Pesto; Chang-o - And finally, one of her very recent finished paintings, a gorgeous still life with a basilisk! The items in this paintings are inspired by her recipe for making pesto :) And there’s cameos from her other paintings as well for those of you who likes to hunt for Easter Eggs goodies !

Check out the above picture for a neat look at how tiny some of the detailing in this painting really is! She offers a coin held by her hand in comparison :) Amazing * ___ * !!!

PS. The header image to this section with the faces on the flowers? That’s her self portraits :D She has one of the most unique feels of artistry on Steemit, don’t you think? Visit her blog to fully immerse yourself in what she has to offer: @rachelsvparry :D


Issue 6) …. It is not intentional but it does give me a tingling feeling :D As if some things are falling into their fateful spaces gracefully :)Jan joined Steemit on 5 August 2016, only a week difference with Rachel, and gosh I did it again! I picked two artists who joined almost at the same time again XD (if you haven’t checked out our earlier issues, I did this inadvertently also with @nekromarinist and @mikkolyytinen at

Jan is a wonder, a free spirit that exudes positive energy and who has so much love for the world around him, especially for nature, but also for people who connects with him through a bond of positivity and good spirits :D

He is also insanely talented!

If you’d like to get to know Jan better, check out his introduction post from three years ago, where he talked about his journey as a person and as an artist. There is a LOT of gorgeous reflections in there, as Jan talked about how he had let go of his inhibitions and how he had been broke before but how he has now attained a good place to be. Jan stuck true to his style, despite advice given to him by other established artists and found that only by staying true to your own self that you can own your own destiny :)

There’s much to love about Jan, but I bog you down for now for much longer, instead, let us appreciate a few examples of @jankasparec’s offerings:

Inner Child – We begin with Jan’s celebration of his own 40th ! Being super at ease and at an absolutely freed state of mind, Jan drew this painting as a gift to his own birthday :D And what a beautiful piece! The idea remains innocent, and yet it is full with a kind of strength that is real, a kind of strength that can only be achieved once you’ve taken a genuine journey through life :D

My Secret Nature Spots. Painting, Harmonizing, Camping, Listening, Receiving. – Here we can see Jan’s honest connection to nature, and how he draws so much inspiration and energies from the natural world around him. Once a year, Jan makes a point to immerse himself in nature and art, and recharges his spirits and muses anew :)

God’s Eye 2 – Recently completed and unveiled, this is one of Jan’s masterpieces and you can see the entirety of its magnificence if you click the link! This is a huge canvas, beautifully designed, with so many symbolic elements and a balanced composition, and it has been gorgeously painted, with vivid colours and an absolute dedication to details <3 I can go on and on, but I would recommend you to really give this one a browse. It simply is an incredible artwork!

Jan, despite his well-earned success as an artist, remains one of the most friendliest and most approachable Steemians I’ve come across on this platform. His facebook has more than 70-thousand followers and his paintings are selling at thousands of dollars in real life, but you would be hard pressed to find someone as real and as warm and as talented as Jan Kasparec :) !

So that's the eighth pair for these periodical highlights from C-squared featured artists :D

Join the discord ! Join the appreciation of others ! Anyone can curate \o/If you have been living under a rock, @c-squared is a group launched to promote manual curations of quality contents off Steemit. We browse all genres and categories and we welcome everyone to contribute and highlight underrated posts through manual curations.

The format of this thing might change in the future since I am very new at this so let me know any tips for improvements !

Much love,

Do not reproduce or use without written permission.Copyright of @rachelsvparry and @jankasparec. All Rights Reserved.

Log of previous issues

Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue 7: @Arrr and @thilah: @EdgarUVM and @Zsolt.Vidak: @chrisdyer and @sanderjansenart: @elenasteem and @patschwork: @nyarlathotep and @carlgnash: @mikkolyytinen and @nekromarinist: @azbeen and @barbara-orenya

community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

All proceeds from this post will go to the artists featured in this article.

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Diossss estas muy impresionantes. Tremendos artistas. De este post sali inspirada con las ganas de algun dia poder tan detallista como @jankasparec y @rachelsvparry.

What an awesome post to honor and share these wonderful artists! @veryspider I seriously think this entire artists' highlights series is a work of art in itself :)

I have been a fan of both @rachelsvparry & @jankasparec for a while. Two of my Steem favs for sure :)

im glad someone's reading them :D

THANKS CARL <3 <3 <3

and yeah, these two are amazzziiiiiiing :D

This post really made my heart soar! I can't thank you enough! Resteemed, obviously! <3

Im glad you likey, Rache <3 <3 <3

It's Beautiful and great. Keep up the good work. @c-cubed