Fantastic work @zord189! My favorites had to be the 420Smokers video, Nijawhale and Pandacoin. They had a real next level look to them, I really like that.
The others a great too! I think the profile banners were really neat too. Especially btcvenom's, that one was really subtle and it grabs you by the feels.
Looking forward to the next month of great work! It'll take time to get faster, but already the work is looking quality, keep going with it.
Thank you for the generous compliments @calumam! I hope I do have more time to be able to design more for Steemians. :)
I'd love for you to design some logos for our community if you have the time, we are looking for some high quality digital art that would compliment our work.
Drop me a message on Discord if you have the time :)