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RE: The Power of No

in #art8 years ago

Lol i didn't even notice the grammatical errors but your welcome.
People today are overly dependent on technoloy of now ( i say as i am on Steemit with my cell phone, case in point lol) .... this causes people to sometimes become too impatient expecting things to always be within reach. Well that's not how it works. As you said prep + consistency is key!


Technology is not the sole reason for the impatience of today. Rather it has facilitated it. A tool is neither a bad or a good thing of itself, it is how it is used that is the determining factor.
The technology can also be a powerful tool for preparation and being consistent. =)

No i just said we are probably over dependent. In terms of insta gratification. Sorry should've clarified.
I agree it is definitely a powerful tool in those terms

No worries. =)