Painted on location in a garden near Taos, New Mexico.
”Gonske's Garden” 18”x20” (#1005) oil on linen canvas (private art collection, Los Angeles) by Lee Gordon Seebach
My artist-friend Walt Gonske of Taos built a beautiful garden and adobe wall around his home. This was painted from inside the entrance gate.
My website: Seebach Fine Art
Beautiful garden and colors.
@veushang thanks so much.
Great work! @chessmonster
@michael14876 Thank you!
I can almost feel the coolness of the garden contrasted by the heat on the other side of the wall.
@theblindsquirl Thank you for commenting. It was a sunny, warm day in summer so that's nice to hear.
Thanks for posting.
It's funny how some oil on a piece of canvas can stir up memories and sensations.
Very nice @chessmonster
Thank so much @marius19
@mila7272 Thank you!
Your paintings have a beautiful texture. Hi I'm Todd Johnson's daughter from the UK. He showed me your email about steemit, I joined today :) thanks for recommending it
Thanks Olivia! I'm so happy that you joined Steemit. Please get your dad on here, too. 😎 I upvoted and followed your blog. Good luck. I'm looking forward to seeing more of how things are going for you.
I can feel the weather on this one.
Thanks @siloe Yes, I'm really happy with it. The sun was intense and I think it shows. 😊