"Red Vase With Plums"

in #art7 years ago

Painted from a setup in my studio.

”Red Vase With Plums” 6”x10” (#1081) oil on masonite panel
by Lee Gordon Seebach

It doesn't take much to inspire me. (Does that mean I'm "easily entertained?" 🤓 ) A few simple objects set against a backdrop illuminated by a single light source and I'm off and painting!

Working on a large watercolor of Canyon de Chelley in my new studio near Artesia, New Mexico.

My website: Seebach Fine Art


The artist life :)

Love the post broo

Yup...It's a good one, although it's like everything else: struggles and successes. It's worth it, though. Thanks for commenting @crastty32

Beautiful as always :)

Thanks so much my friend! @samuel-earp-art

I know what you mean about the inspiration. I am so easily distracted and before you know it, hours have passed. The joy of being a creative person. Your painting is wonderful. Keep it up. Upvoted and Resteemed!

Beauty is all around us, isn't it!? I don't have to look far to find it. Keep up the creative work, and thanks so much for your support! @samanthajbarnes

Love the painting! I envy those who can paint and draw because I can do neither.

When you paint what do you think about? Is it a form of meditation to you?

What do I think about? Hmmm...yes, it's a form of meditation to be sure...but I think mostly about what a painting in progress needs in order to complete it. But my mind wanders, too.

Thanks for commenting @capitalpink

If I were to attempt to paint right now all that would be on my mind would be "what should I paint and where do I start" lol

I have no artistic vision for anything beyond website design. (weird huh)

It's an art form, yes? A person can be an artist at anything. 😀

superb! :)

@masterofdesaster Much appreciated! Thank you for commenting. 😎

Oh, how wonderful! I love this post!

I really like your painting~
Followed you for more of those work!! Keep up and Steem On~

@biuiam Glad you like it and thanks for following and commenting!

you are very welcome, good arts deserved to be appreciated~

Awesome buddy.

I like the composition and combination of colors. It is harmonious.

Good to hear @motivator Thanks for commenting.

So beautiful.


He, man, very nice picture of you painting! What is it you are doing? repainting another painting but bigger?

Hi Mark! @exyle Thanks! Yes, that's it exactly. I make studies before tackling a big sheet like this. It increases my success rate! LOL Seriously, a 22"x30" sheet of paper is very large for doing watercolors so they require planning. I did a YouTube video that covers my procedures. I'll add it in another comment below. Thanks for commenting bro!

Just watched the whole video. Fantastic man. You have a very calm voice. Ever thought about vlogging :) ? I was surprised that the painting, in the end, turned from a few strokes into something magical (even though you warned us). How long did it take you to finish?

Thanks, Mark. So happy you liked it. I'll leave the vlogging to you, my friend! 😀(You're doing a great job with it, BTW.) I'll let my brush do most of my talking. LOL Time-wise on that painting... I think I recall several weeks. It takes time to work up the studies, then I spend a LOT of time just kicking back and studying what to do. It's like a chess game...study the position carefully before the next move! Have a super day bro!

I assume its nice to have your own office and decide when to do things . I imagine it kind of luxury not to have that timepressure or at least apply it to your own rules.

@nocopyrightarts Yes, it's great. It's the best way to live, IMHO, even though it has its challenges. But what doesn't? I believe everyone pays a price for living, so why not pay that price on your own terms and work to achieve your own dreams?

Yes i believe so too, i also believe that if you do what you really like, you are better in that area than people who just have to do it because its their work. For example the china painters, who make cheap oil copies of famous paintings and sit with 30painters in an office doing the same painting 10times per day.

I agree 100% @nocopyrightarts I've worked at jobs where it was agony just to get through the day. Happily, they were stepping stones to my goals so they didn't last forever (even though it seemed like they would never end! LOL).

Is painting a job for you? or is it something you are passionate about even in your leisure time?

@steem2themoon Art has been my profession and passion my entire adult life.

Sorry for delay sir, I was busy.
This is amazing one.
Thanks for sharing.

@james7 It was a pleasure to paint it. I love red!

Your red vase is looks like crystal. Looks very nice.

@monishm Thank you. It was nice to paint. A friend lent me some of her still life objects because I don't have a knack for finding them and she does!

Nice Art.

That bright ruby color is strong!

Thanks for commenting @yaan Yes, it was a beautiful glass piece.