I love painting river rock scenes because they’re so exciting and challenging. This one is of Oak Creek which is north of Sedona, Arizona, an incredibly beautiful place. I lived in that area for about five years and spent many wonderful days painting there.
I exaggerated the color a bit and used some Chinese white with a small brush to indicate some of the lights in the water.
More to come,
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Hi there, sorry if I've missed any verification. I've scanned through some of your posts, but couldn't find any, and there isn't any confirmation that @chessmonster is your account on the website https://www.leegordonseebach.com - if possible, please produce a confirmation. Thanks, and sorry for the hassle!
Hello kevinwong, I'd be glad to provide verification. I've added a line on the "About The Artist" page on my website: http://leegordonseebach.fineartstudioonline.com/about regarding being "chessmonster" on Steemit. Only I can edit my website, so I hope this suffices. Thanks for pointing this out.
Yes noted, thank you very much - gave a response to your next post :)
Thank you @anns
Amazing! I struggle with watercolours, you seem to have mastered it!
Thank you @ellagrant Yes, watercolours are a challenge. Hang in there with them. The struggle is worth it: it's such a beautiful, dynamic medium!
Very beautiful and realistic looking :)
Thank you @keverw ! I shoot for a pleasant tension between realism and impressionism. :)