Guardians of the Galaxy Art

in #art7 years ago

Here’s a look at some Guardians of galaxy art I did awhile back. I remember when I watched the first movie I didn’t really know anything about them but I quickly fell in love with the characters.

I wanted the piece to have a comedic feel to it, staying true characters personalities. They take their mission seriously but, they don’t take themselves too seriously ; which is something that really resonates with me as an artist.
guardians sample.jpg
My process stays pretty pretty consistent from piece to piece.

I start off by simply penciling the best i can. i start with a rough sketch in blue color pencil then i lightly erase it and pencil over the residual blue to get the cleanest sketch possible.

The sketch took about 4 days and it was done on 11x17 bristol board art paper
(standard for comic book portfolio's)guardian.jpg

After the sketch is finished I take it to Staples to have it scanned on a big flat-bed scanner.
i have them make a high-res pdf file for me (300 dpi). I take that file home and work on it in Photoshop.
The rendering consist of a 18-20 layer process that takes about 10-14 hour
That’s pretty much it for this post.
till next time.✌️


Nice caring on details.
"I'm Groot!"

Thanks 🙏 . Groot demands that you put a lot of detail into him or else he just doesn’t look right lol. “We are groot...”